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Mohan Meakin – The Supplier Of ‘Modern Beer’ Since 1855.

A bond was made between two of the most prominent distilleries back in the early days. Mohan Meakin is a huge group that is known for popular brands, superior quality and rich history. This group is also known for being tied to Asia’s first brewery which was incorporated by Edward Dyer – Dyer Breweries at Kasauli in the Himalayan Mountains, India. Edward Dyer’s vision brought the concept of ‘modern beer’ followed by an affiliation that curated the success for Mohan Meakin.

‘He was India’s brewing pioneer who brought to this sun-drenched land of ours the bliss of a real thirst quencher – the modern beer, to refresh and pep up a people hanging over in sweltering clime that is so peculiar to this part of the World. He realized for the first time that there were a few spots on earth where a really good drink was more welcome.’ – Mohan Meakin

The Affiliation – E. Dyer & Co X Meakin & Co. Ltd

The journey from Dyer Breweries to Mohan Meakin consisted of many hardships which resulted in the establishment of several distilleries around the country along with the successful growth of many products. Edward Dyer was all set to quench the thirst of a nation but in order to do so, one distillery no matter how great wouldn’t work out. So, after carefully panning out the width of the subcontinent, additional distilleries were established at Simla, Solan, Lucknow and Mandalay (Burma). 

During the same time period, H.G Meakin – a man with lots of knowledge and training who came from the well-known brewing family of Burton-on-Trent. After the establishment of Meakin & Co. Ltd., H.G bought the old breweries at Kasauli as well as Old Shimla and built other refined distilleries at Dalhousie, Ranikhet, Chakrarta, Darjeeling and Kirkee. All of these distilleries owned by Edward & Meakin separately were about to be combined in the near future. 

The association of these two popular groups took place during World War I, when importing beer became a huge deal. These two groups worked together and sold quality beer at rock-bottom prices. The sales were a huge success and thus was formed the bond between these two powerful firms. Brewing was suspended at Kasauli brewery but extensive malting still took place there. Whereas, a brand-new brewing and bottling plant was installed at Solan.

There are few places on earth where the water is ideally suited to brewing. Solan is one. Those who fancy the hill-climb would like to see our famous springs high up on Karol Mountain, far from everything, a lovely lookout, with the source of crystal-clear spring water that drew our pioneer to Solan.’ – Mohan Meakin

The Transition That Led To The Name ‘mohan Meakin’ 

In 1935, Burma was dismembered from India and due to this the name of the Company was changed from Dyer Meakin & Co.Ltd. to Dyer Meakin Breweries Ltd. The assets and liabilities of Burma Brewery in Burma were separated. The name ‘Mohan Meakin’ was decided after two more changes: Dyer Meakin Breweries Ltd. -> Mohan Meakin Breweries Ltd -> Mohan Meakin Limited. 

The Industrial Hub – Mohan Nagar

In 1949 – The late Padamshree N.N. Mohan, with his far-sighted vision, established a big industrial hub near Ghaziabad (U.P) which was called Mohan Nagar. The various manufacturing units are :

  1. Brewery
  2. Distillery
  3. Malt Houses
  4. Glass
  5. Ice
  6. Break- Fast food
  7. Fruit Products & Juices
  8. Malt Extract Factories
  9. Cold Storage
  10. Mohan Engineering Works

The group’s main focus isn’t just limited to liquor but covers a wide variety of fields which is a strategic diversification to further reinforce its business interests. The present-day problems are handled by Padamshree Brig. (Dr.) Kapil Mohan, VSM (Retd.) Ph. D. His guidance led the company to undertake major diversification with 3 distilleries in India and 2 breweries and a host of franchises.

A multi-faceted business house with a turnover exceeding INR 400 crores, Mohan Meakin stands for growth, innovation and care.’ Mohan Meakin

The Portfolio Of Mohan Meakin –


  1. Summer Hall
  2. Colonel’s Special
  3. Golden Eagle
  4. Top Brass
  5. Diplomat Deluxe
  6. Black Knight
  7. Solan No.1
  8. Cellar 117
  9. M M B
  10. Blue Bull


  1. Old Monk Supreme Rum
  2. Old Monk Gold Reserve Rum
  3. Old Monk XXX Rum
  4. Old Monk White Rum


  1. Golden Eagle Lager
  2. Golden Lager Beer (Herbal Beer)
  3. Golden Eagle Premium Deluxe
  4. Golden Eagle Super Strong Beer
  5. Asia 72 Extra Strong Lager
  6. Gymkhana Premium Lager
  7. Black Knight Super Strong
  8. Solan No.1 Premium Beer
  9. I Q Beer
  10. Lion Beer
  11. Meakins 10000 Super Strong
  12. Old Monk Super Strong


  1. Triple Crown
  2. D.M
  3. Doctor’s Reserve No.1
  4. M M B
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