- 30 ml cognac
- 30 ml Calvados
- 15 ml sweet vermouth
Add all the ingredients to a mixing glass and add ice. Stir until chilled and strain into a cocktail glass.
The Corpse Reviver was a family of cocktails traditionally consumed as a hair-of-the-dog, a hangover reliever to refresh and enliven after a night of heavy drinking.
The Corpse Reviver No. 1’s first recorded recipe was in “The Savoy Cocktail Book,” originally published in 1930. The recipe book was a collection of the Savoy Hotel London’s most popular drinks. In it, bartender and author Harry Cradock writes of the Corpse Reviver No 1. “To be taken before 11 a.m., or whenever steam and energy are needed.” Of course, alcohol is not a stimulant like caffeine, and it is generally ill-advised to be drinking before noon, especially in pursuit of “energy.”